"When I was a very young girl, I used to visit my grandma a lot. I was hoping she'd show me magical girl stuff, she said she'd show me something kid-friendly, it turned out to be Cutie Honey. In Cutie Honey, she would get undressed and tied up all the time, and that's how my sexual fetishes were awoken. Do you know Hutch the Honeybee? I thought it was cute how people fell into despair. Cutie Honey and Hutch planted the seeds, and my sexual fetishes began to distort, and then I became friends with a hardcore fujoshi. The things she recommended me turned me into a bigger freak than before. When I was a young kid, I couldn't understand dirty jokes, so my grandma would explain them to me, step by step. 'You know, the boys have this... but the girls have that' lol."Sakamata Chloe
  • Offkai 2024 is underway. SCANDALS ABOUND.

    The Offkai moderator who lied about Pippa and Tenma's technical issues is a Pippa & Pikamee anti, and Marina simp.
    Highly-trained TVA Spec-Ops Agents have successfully infiltrated the con and reported that volunteers have formed a militia to fight Nazis. Unconfirmed reports indicate they have already suffered 39% casualties before engaging the enemy.
    I'm willing to pay 25$ or a custom title for anyone on the forum for an interesting thumbnail for an Offkai-centered stream on Wednesday. Also open to call-ins from anyone who attended and could give 'ground reporting'.
    There are now unconfirmed reports of cosplaying capippalists arranging gay orgies. WHAT THE FUCK EVEN IS THIS CON.

    ☘☘☘Hi Jim! Ireland is a lovely place when they're not electing gay indians!☘☘☘


Ed O'neill

God's Strongest Smartass
Dizzy's Husband
Joined:  Apr 4, 2023
>hamburger helper
The redneck of all redneck foods.
Granted even that use to be better in the past before they cheaped out on ingredients.


Well-known member
Joined:  Oct 8, 2022

The Peanut Gallery

His smile and optimism: Restored. 🕯️👁️
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 11, 2022


irc.rizon.net #TheVirtualAsylum
Joined:  Jun 28, 2023
What I think of when I hear flan


The correct Flan:


Eat em and breed em

I need help
Joined:  May 30, 2023
Normal food, not like this video of a guy eating a whole bird head and all in his sandwich Pippa

The Peanut Gallery

His smile and optimism: Restored. 🕯️👁️
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 11, 2022

Postal rrat

Joined:  Mar 19, 2023
"CELERY IS LEAFY I TOLD YOU GUYS" She's so cute when she's autistically triumphant


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 13, 2022
How the fuck is a kettle a less-efficient microwave?

The Peanut Gallery

His smile and optimism: Restored. 🕯️👁️
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 11, 2022
>There's no difference between Irradiated water and water boiled on the stove
What did she mean by this?

Postal rrat

Joined:  Mar 19, 2023
How the fuck is a kettle a less-efficient microwave?
They both boil water but like kettle's are much faster so fuck if I know


Well-known member
Joined:  Oct 1, 2022
Bacon only became popular as breakfast because a PR guy was trying to increase sales of bacon for a company, so he convinced doctors to shill bacon for breakfast. Doctors are as doctors have always been.

Eat em and breed em

I need help
Joined:  May 30, 2023
Built for the small people


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 13, 2022
>lives in the obesity country
>why are portion sizes so big?


Well-known member
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
This Hungarian food video.... There was a really good restaurant near where I lived growing up, absolutely delicious, great atmosphere, actual old Hungarian couple that made you feel welcome. I miss that place :pippasadl: Maybe I should look up traditional recipes and try them sometime

Henrik Carter

Disco Contagium!
Joined:  Mar 30, 2023
Scientists are easier to buy than politicians.


Punished Autism Extraordinaire
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Ward Security
♥Realticule's Husbando♥
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Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
Early Adopter
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Postal rrat

Joined:  Mar 19, 2023


Awawawawa (derogatory)
Joined:  May 23, 2023
>lives in the obesity country
>why are portion sizes so big?
We aren't even top 10, man... gotta up our game.
Tonga is fucking insane with 77% though... what the hell.


irc.rizon.net #TheVirtualAsylum
Joined:  Jun 28, 2023
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