"...I don't have anyone to give head to"Fujikura Uruka
  • Offkai 2024 is underway. SCANDALS ABOUND.

    The Offkai moderator who lied about Pippa and Tenma's technical issues is a Pippa & Pikamee anti, and Marina simp.
    Highly-trained TVA Spec-Ops Agents have successfully infiltrated the con and reported that volunteers have formed a militia to fight Nazis. Unconfirmed reports indicate they have already suffered 39% casualties before engaging the enemy.
    I'm willing to pay 25$ or a custom title for anyone on the forum for an interesting thumbnail for an Offkai-centered stream on Wednesday. Also open to call-ins from anyone who attended and could give 'ground reporting'.
    There are now unconfirmed reports of cosplaying capippalists arranging gay orgies. WHAT THE FUCK EVEN IS THIS CON.

    ☘☘☘Hi Jim! Ireland is a lovely place when they're not electing gay indians!☘☘☘

Recent content by ペンネーム

  1. ペンネーム

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    An example of Lumin's singing from her recent "robot" themed stream.
  2. ペンネーム

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Throwing a hissy fit midstream in the chat is never the proper way to address a concern. Period. Full stop even.
  3. ペンネーム

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Lumin is singing robot songs tonight.
  4. ペンネーム

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Does anyone know why she didn't reincarnate as her past life? I mean she had a great model, a large following and everyone loved her maid form....
  5. ペンネーム

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Anyone heard of Tsumugi Kokage before? She has 44k watching her debut.
  6. ペンネーム


    No, it's a Pippa birthday strem.
  7. ペンネーム


    I'm sorry Cody, WE CAN'T FIX HER
  8. ペンネーム


    Meatkin Pippa made me feel something. You are a real boy, I mean, artist.
  9. ペンネーム


    No, you have to buy all the meat from Walmart to reflect her glory.
  10. ペンネーム

    Holofes 5 - Capture the Moment

    At least she's getting some. When was the last time you got dicked bro?
  11. ペンネーム

    Holofes 5 - Capture the Moment

    She's been a bit busy actually doing work other than livestreaming. I'll be over here waiting for your girls to voice a role in a non-fangame.
  12. ペンネーム

    Holofes 5 - Capture the Moment

    When was the last time Sana streamed? Oh right.
  13. ペンネーム

    Holofes 5 - Capture the Moment

    Here comes HoloX to crush Promise again.
  14. ペンネーム

    Holofes 5 - Capture the Moment

    Sadly, she did better than Bae.
  15. ペンネーム

    Holofes 5 - Capture the Moment

    Everyday I'm glad I followed Miko's advice and stayed home dayo! If I'd died of Covid, I'd not have witnessed this. She saved my life.
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